How to Leverage LinkedIn For Business Growth in 2023

Plant growing out of ground

Tips and tricks to help you make the most out of LinkedIn

With more than 875 million members, LinkedIn has become a top platform for users looking to explore and find new brands. With so many people and companies flocking to LinkedIn, it’s critical to make sure you are using it as a source to drive growth in 2023 and beyond.

If you treat the page as a dynamic marketing tool, you can establish thought leadership, strengthen your network, build brand awareness, and move your audience to take action.

Interested in Business Growth? Here Are 9 LinkedIn Tips

Below are some tips and tricks to help you get started with making the most out of your LinkedIn page and driving growth in the coming year.  

Tip #1: Optimize Your Profile

In order to increase visibility and fully leverage the platform for business growth, you will need to ensure your profile is optimized. In fact, LinkedIn recently stated that “pages with complete information get 30% more weekly views”. 

By following these tips below, you can grow your LinkedIn presence, attract new business opportunities, showcase your expertise and increase your chances of standing out on the platform: 

Tip #2: Align your profile and cover photo with your brand

Use your organization’s logo as your profile image and be sure to include a cover image that will bring your Page to life or give individuals more insight into what your business offerings are. If you don’t yet have a logo or cover image, you can create one for free using Canva.

Tip #3: Make the headline stand out

Your headline is basically a first impression of your company. Aside from the profile image, it’s the first thing people will see when they do a LinkedIn search. With that said, it’s important to create a headline that not only portrays your brand voice, but also draws individuals in, summarizes your company and/or brand and ultimately entices them to follow. 

Tip #4: Use the overview section to introduce your business and share your story

Use the overview section to showcase your business, spotlight the services you offer and highlight your brand’s visions and/or values. At the end of the overview section, you can also include call-to-actions that will drive individuals to your website to learn more.  

Tip: Work in natural-sounding keywords into this section as LinkedIn is indexed by Google.

Tip #5: Share relevant content in your feed

Consistency is key! Make sure you are regularly sharing content that is informative, engaging, and relevant to your company or industry. This can include articles, blog posts, videos, or other types of content that provide value to your connections and followers. 

Tip: Monitor the “mentions” tab on your profile to see who is talking and posting about your company. Reshare any relevant content back to your own feed. 

Tip #6: Include organization information and call-to-actions

LinkedIn allows you to add details about your business. Be sure to include your website, headquarters, office location(s), industry, organization type, and size. Do this to increase your searchability on the platform. 

Tip #7: Connect and engage with other professionals and businesses in your industry

At the end of the day, LinkedIn is a space to connect with like-minded professionals and grow your network. Make sure you are setting aside some time to engage with others who are in your industry and to track and monitor your competitors. This will help you understand what content is working well and what your audience wants to see more of in your own feed. 

Tip #8: Get creative with your content

In order to have an effective content strategy, you need to establish the type of content that will attract your targeted audience and help you reach your overall goals. With so many active users on LinkedIn today, getting creative with your content will help your business growth. Here are some content suggestions to get your creative juices flowing: 

  • Test posting content to your feed with links and without links
  • Incorporate rich media such as videos, gifs, and infographics
  • Try long-form and short-form content to see which one your audience engages with more
  • Create newsletters as an additional way to showcase your blogs or case studies

Tip #9: Leverage these updates

LinkedIn has consistently been updating its features to keep up with the ever-changing world of professional networking. In order to stay ahead of the curve and level up your LinkedIn marketing strategy, start taking advance of these new features:

  • Clickable Images

Clickable links in images give you another way to drive traffic to your website. To do this, create a post, then select a link icon where you can enter the link text and desired URL. Whether you’re encouraging sign-ups, driving traffic, or job listings, a clickable link can make those conversions that bit easier. 

  • Scheduled Posts

Although scheduling posts is currently still being rolled out, it’s an exciting feature to keep an eye out for. This will allow Content Creators and Company Page Admins to manage their platform presence, with a native, in-stream scheduling option. Say goodbye to using third-party platforms for scheduling! 

  • Carousel Images

This new content format allows users to mix images and videos to help audiences learn in a digestible way, without having to create PDFs! This is a great way to showcase articles, blogs, case studies or white papers. 

  • Templates

Make text posts stand out using Templates. This feature quickly turns boring text-only posts into visually engaging content. 

Social Media and LinkedIn Expertise at VSSL

LinkedIn is a very different beast from other social platforms. It’s a source for professionals looking to strengthen their networks, promote their businesses or services and ultimately move your targeted audience to take action. Once you take the time to optimize your profile, figure out which type of content performs best and take advantage of new updates, you will find that the results can benefit multiple areas of your business.

If you need help tackling your social media efforts in 2023, take a look at our services or drop us a line