Optimizing B2B Landing Pages is Easier than You Think

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We’ve all been there: we created amazing B2B content and we’re ready to share it with our industry. We build landing pages, sit back, and wait for the leads to roll in.

Except, the leads don’t roll in. Your conversion rates are poor, and you start to dread your monthly and quarterly reports.

Instead of giving up on your content, make a plan to review, test, adapt, and keep testing your B2B landing page; chances are there are a few quick and easy edits you can make to optimize your results.

Of course, we’re all familiar with the most common tips for landing pages:

  • Break up content with bulleted lists
  • Focus on benefits instead of features
  • Use images and videos
  • Go easy on the color and font choices

There are, however, some basic concepts that get forgotten as marketing technology advances. Optimizing B2B landing pages is easier than you think. At the heart of this marketing tactic is one mantra: keep it simple.

Stay Focused

Marketers understand the need to focus their content and landing pages. Although they often get pressure from executive management to include additional content that is unnecessary and distracting. There are a few times when a marketer needs to stand firmly, and this is one of those times. Here’s the thing about B2B landing pages: they are niche, and often times the content can be quite involved. Since you will already be explaining difficult content, you shouldn’t distract your leads with too much fluff and unnecessary content. Now this doesn’t mean your landing pages need to be bare bones – in fact we’ve found that in-depth content can improve pipelines – but the information that you do include should be pinpointed to the topic at hand. Remember: your goal is to collect their information, tag their interests, and then use that data to retarget them with relevant content.

Once you have your landing pay content dialed in, be sure not to forget your manners and add a simple “Thank You” page that will appear once a user has filled out the form.

Make it Easy

One of the fastest ways to crash and burn your conversion rates is to make your content difficult to access. People are feeling a stronger pull to protect their personal data, and they don’t want to waste time filling in lengthy forms with required fields. Include less fields on your forms, make your forms progressive, or, at the very least, use a mix of required and optional form fields to keep your lead from abandoning the process. Collect only what you need in order to follow up; additional information can be gathered during follow up. When your forms are long, they also take up a lot of space on your b2b landing pages. Keeping your forms short and focused allows you to use that space for more relevant page content that can help convert your leads.

Be Trustworthy

It’s one thing for a company to shout loudly that they are trustworthy, but it’s another thing for them to show that they are trustworthy. Haven’t we been told for generations that “actions speak louder than words?” One way to do this is to use testimonials about your content and your services. When you use testimonials, include company names and logos, as well as the name, title and even image of an actual person. This might be more difficult to get, but it is worth the work. Another way to show trustworthiness is by including a privacy policy notice on all landing pages. Companies that aren’t transparent about how they plan to use information will surely stand out, but for all the wrong reasons.

These easy tips are worth paying attention to because they work, but they just scratch the surface of B2B landing page optimization. The best way to get the most out of your landing pages is to embark on creating truly customized experiences for your leads. This next-level optimization is the most up-to-date, and most effective, tactic that digital marketers can use. Drop us a line if you aren’t sure how to get started, or need help revamping a low-performing B2B landing page! We specialize in translating today’s digital marketing techniques into actionable, lead-generating campaigns.